Saturday, May 8, 2010

Red Panda, The New Icon for China

China most favorite and famous animal is panda. The white and black animal has become so famous after they have been made as the mascot on Beijing Olympic Games.

But now, China has been trying to make a new animal as its new icon as well. Introducing the "Red Panda". Its body is much smaller than the normal Panda. Slightly larger than a domestic cat, it has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to its shorter front legs. It eats mainly bamboo, but is omnivorous and may also eat eggs, birds, insects, and small mammals. It is a solitary animal, mainly active from dusk to dawn, and is largely sedentary during the day.

Red Panda

It also one the animals which can be categorized as threatened to extinct. 

NYSE Dow Jones Drop 1000 points in just a few minutes

NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) Dow Jones has recently just made a very big news all around the world as its Stocks point drop down drastically in just a few minutes.

But then, it raise back again after just a few minutes making them to close the Dow Jones that day at 300 points less. Almost any major company had a big drop in their stocks price.

For a company, i forget the name. THe stock price was to suppose to be priced at US30 drop to US1 only. 

It was actually triggered by Greeks Financial Crisis, and Citibank. Citibank actually want to sell its share at Procter and Gamble at 16million, but maybe due to some human error or something else. It becomes 16billion. Automatically, the computerized system on Dow Jones act by itself, by selling and closing all the deals, which made the stocks plunged drastically to almost 1000 points in just a few minutes.

Google has been updated after so long!!

Google now has been updated with minor updates. First of all the Google logo.. It changed slightly different from the old one.

It has also add another new left panel navigation which can be seen in the picture below.

The new left panel

It is actually not something new, i dunno why Google's staff talking about it until such a length.. It is actually the same menu at the top of the google search page. In which you can filter you search based on Web, Images, Blogs, Videos, or Maps. So, i guess it is not something new. Except the timeline search, where you can filter you search based on timeline, for example: Searching for Avian Virus from 2002-2005. It will show the search result based on that timeline.

The desktop version of Google has now even more powerful left panel filled with new tools and smarter suggestions. Its functionality is based on the Universal Search, Search Options panel and Google Squared – features launched through the past three years.

The Universal Search takes up the top of the panel and allows you to filter your results by a specific type (images, books, news, etc.). Switching between different types is very fast as usual.
The next part of the panel is the Search Options. This powerful tool allows you different views of your results – page previews with thumbnails, sites with images, filter the shopping results or the translated ones.
Some new functions has also been improved on the other application, such as google maps and google translate.
In google map, you can find places (shops, cafe, restaurant) nearby your searching point. Let's say you were searching on Times Square, New York. Google map can give suggestion on some place for you to have fun, plus pictures as well. You can also try the new Google Map 3D. It is actually using the Google Earth on the web browser, instead of directly using the application. To use it, you must install the Google Earth plugin
While google translates now can automatically detect what kind of languages you typed in, in which you have to choose manually before. 
Here is the video explaining all the new features in Google.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Discovering your Body Talent

This post going to show or make you discover that what your body can do. So today we are going to learn how to stop tears, needle pain, hiccups, and many more..

1. Stopping ur Needle Pain
Make your next shot feel less piercing by putting pressure around the area that's about to be stuck. Follow this instruction

"Make a circle with your thumb and forefinger and push down for a few seconds as you're receiving the shot,"

This technique will confuse your nerve so that the needles will feels just like a gentle poke into your body, not a sharp jab

2. Silence your hiccups 

"Take the deepest breath you can, hold it for 10 seconds, then, without exhaling, suck in more air and hold it for five more seconds. Finally—still without exhaling!—breathe in as much more air as you can squeeze in, hold for another five seconds, and exhale. Then breathe normally."

3.Holding your tears.

If you're tearing up at an inappropriate moment, just clear your throat. "It interrupts the mechanism in the nasal passage and larynx that controls crying," says Rebecca Nagy, a Charlotte, North Carolina-based meditation expert. Plus, after you clear your throat, you tend to swallow. This lifts your tongue to the roof of your mouth, which blocks the soft palate, making you unable to cry. "I've suggested this technique many times to brides and grooms who had trouble getting through their vows," Nagy says.


Xia Da, Chinese Comic Artist

I found this girl called Xia Da, is a chinese comic artist from China. She is totally otaku and just spend all her days drawing manga.

Otaku (おたく/オタク?) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, and video games.

 The female otaku is called as Fujoshi.

Below is just a sample of how is an otaku rooms looks like

Otaku Rooms, full of toys and action figures from anime or manga.

Normally, an otaku face is quite ugly, that is what most people think on them. Or maybe just the average..

This fujoshi i found is quite pretty, in my opinion. ^^

Xia Da, Pretty Rite.. Plus Cute

So Cute...........

Apparently she has her own fans..


Sunday, May 2, 2010

2 movies before Going back to Singapore

Well, before coming back here to Singapore, I went to watch IP Man 2 and Iron Man 2.. It was a great day.. For more information on the day, just click HERE!!! to read more, cuz my friend already write about it.. Just wanna save time on writing.. :)) Thanks Tin..

One thing make me regret on that day is to miss the secret ending after the credit on Iron Man 2 movie. I bet Tini and friends also din know about this. ^^

and so here are the secret ending of Iron Man 2 after the credit

It was about one of SHIELD member ( he made an appearance in Iron Man 2 as well) found the Thor's Hammer. Thor is also one of the marvel superheroes.

The SHIELD was actually trying to find all the super heroes to make one team called Avengers..

I love the Ip Man 2 movie a lot even my friends were clapping hands.. ^^

Tini and Melina were so happy to see one of the actor inside the movie. He's called Huang Xiaoming. Tin, it's the name u usually called me.. HOHOHOHO.. 

same hair, same name.. what else?? hahahaha

Huang Xiaoming

Saturday, May 1, 2010

First Time Went to See Concert

For the first time i watched a concert in Singapore Esplanade Theater.. HOHOHO

So what is Esplanade?? Most people should have known that it is one of the landmark here in Singapore..

So Esplanade is a durian + building design. Singapore took durian as the concept because Durian is Asia's signature fruit. You cant find it so often in western part of the world there.. haha



It was actually a charity concert organized by Tzu Zhi Foundation, the largest Buddhist Organization in the World.

Start my way from Bugis Junction and took the same old bus, but who knows that now the bus track has been changed. Instead of turning to Esplanade area, it went inside to the new Marina Bay Sands Hotel area. It has just opened for public last week, if i am not wrong.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel with Huge Ship at the Top of the building

I cant wait to go to ship at least once while i am in Singapore. It has a big park there and a cafe for people to enjoy the view from top of the building.

Had to change my bus on the opposite bus stop, and i forgot to tap out when i got out from the bus.. But well, does not matter, i still pay the same amount when i reach Esplanade. Hahaha.

Meet up with my auntie there, and we directly rush into the concert hall as it almost 7.30 PM that time.

The Concert Hall

The Concert Hall

The Singer David D'or

He is from Israel and a great singer. Love some of his songs..

Overall that day is nice!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Indonesia in Shanghai World Expo 2010

As anyone knows that Shanghai World Expo is going to start on 1st May 2010 and end on 31 October 2010. There will be total of 200 participating countries all over the world.

And as an Indonesian, i am going to write about Indonesia's Expo here.

Each country will built their pavilion in which they will show case their culture to the world. Indonesia is also one of the participants of Shanghai World Expo 2010.

Indonesia's Pavilion Preview

Theme : Indonesia Biodiver City
Highlights : Bamboo, Waterfall
Designer : Design Group Leaded by Budi Lim
Pavilion Area : around 4000 square metres
Location : Within Zone B of the Expo Site

The use of bamboo as the exterior of the Pavilion's Ceiling symbolizes the synergy between the traditional and contemporary lifestyle of Indonesia, as well as to show the world that Indonesia is very strong although it has been faced with lots of natural disaster, terrorist attacks and Indonesia still stands strong until now.. MERDEKA!!! Hidup Indonesia!!

The pavilion will be a 4 story pavilion, including performance stage, and auditorium and a multi-media theater which will show a lively presentation on Indonesian's Culture.

The waterfall will be created in the middle of the building a unique view in the pavilion. It also serves Indonesian traditional food such as Satay and Nasi Kuning as well as Indonesian singing and dancing.

I guess that's all for Indonesia's Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo 2010. Hope you all enjoy it..

Wish i can go to Shanghai also..


The Next Apple's Iphone 4G or HD

These few days, the Internet especially Gizmodo has been a hot place where they got a prototype of new iphone which is to be called Iphone 4G or HD..

Based from what those Gizmodo guys has confirmed, it is confirmed to be the next Apple's Iphone. It is supposed to released somewhere around summer or June this year. So for those who had already planned to buy Iphone 3G or 3GS, you could wait for just a month or two.

It has the latest technology inside.. Below is the new Apple Iphone specs taken from Gizmodo (2010):

 The Lost Phone

What's new

• Front-facing video chat camera
• Improved regular back-camera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS)
• Camera flash
• Micro-SIM instead of standard SIM (like the iPad)
• Improved display. It's unclear if it's the 960x640 display thrown around before—it certainly looks like it, with the "Connect to iTunes" screen displaying much higher resolution than on a 3GS.
• What looks to be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the top, next to the headphone jack
• Split buttons for volume
• Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic

What's changed

• The back is entirely flat, made of either glass (more likely) or ceramic or shiny plastic in order for the cell signal to poke through. Tapping on the back makes a more hollow and higher pitched sound compared to tapping on the glass on the front/screen, but that could just be the orientation of components inside making for a different sound
• An aluminum border going completely around the outside
• Slightly smaller screen than the 3GS (but seemingly higher resolution)
• Everything is more squared off
• 3 grams heavier
• 16% Larger battery
• Internals components are shrunken, miniaturized and reduced to make room for the larger battery

The Gizmodo team bought that phone (for $5000) from someone who founds it in The Gourmet Haus Staudt, a Germany Bar, where by the owner of that phone leave it there after maybe drunk or forget about it. The owner called as Gray Powell, an Apple Software Engineer.

 The Owner of The phone

Now Apple's has been trying hard to get the lost phone back desperately.

It was actually has been leaked the day the new IPad images has been leaked.. People never thought that it was the new Apple's phone and they just focus on the Ipad Itself..

Here is the picture

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You want laugh on a stressing day?? Watch This..

This post dedicated to all of you who seeks to laugh... Maybe because you got lots of work to do, thinking of something important but seems hard to do it.. Forget it for a momment..

Enjoy this video first.. This actually a japanese show where they will punish whoever laugh.. 

Plus this cute baby panda sneezing.. 

Sleep Fengshui..

I am not sure if i what i am gonna write down today is true or not.. This is just something that happened to me 2 days ago.

My friend said, even when we sleep, there is thing called sleep fengshui whereby when you sleep your body must not face to the windows or front door. This is because when you slept like that, the ghost will come and try to take your spirit away leaving you dead body behind. in other words, you might die!!

As i was sleeping in the living room with my body facing to the front door, and i had nightmare few times. First time, i dreamed whereby i saw a ghost flying around outside of my house.. Because i am little bit curious as i want to see how's the face looks like, i called the ghost few times.. "Oi Ghost Ghost"

THen so suddenly, the ghost fly to infront of my face.. I was shocked although i cant see the face clearly. I was trying to say something, but dunno why my sound wont come out.. Is it because i am scared??

After that, i try my best to wake up because i knew that it was a dream. Yeah, i can say that i am proud of myself on how i aware to i am inside my dream land... HOHOHOHO..

Second time i slept with my body face to front door again!!!

That night is the most terrible night.. i dunno how it began, i only remember the part where suddenly there was a ghost on top of me ( i was laying down on the bed).. suddenly the ghost push my head to the right, and the ghost took out his tongue and the tongue began to move inside my ear.. I was so scared and felt painful because the ghost hands was like pressuring down on my right ribs (the side of the ribs where you can feel ticklish if somebody tickling you).. I try my best to wake up because i knew it was just a dream.. But it was so difficult. I began to chant Buddhist Chanting.. and saying something like "Repent yourself" and start chanting "Na mo amitafou" few times until i woke up.

When i woke up, i dunno why my body feel so weak, and the pain on my left ribs still can be felt.. I slowly move my body facing to the wall after that..

So, i am not sure if you should believe this story or not and if the sleeping fengshui is really effective or not.. Read and believe it if you want..

May The GHost Be WitH You Tonite .......

Just kidding..


Monday, April 19, 2010

Here Comes The Offer!!

Finally, after 1 n half month of struggling to find a work here in Singapore has been paid off. I got the offer from E-Cop Pte Ltd, as an Associate Security Analyst [ sounds cool right ^^]. My responsibilities is quite simple.. Reading logs, interpret them, and  alert the network admin of the corresponding company.

I hope i can easily understand how to read and interpret those logs, as i had little bit of experience only. My plan is to become senior Security Analyst just within 1 year. Hope it can be done. After that if everything is going smoothly, i want to become a consultant. ^^

Instead of just sitting down in office, it will much better to interact with the customer as well. Then must also certified myself with GCIA, CISSP, and CCNA. hahahaha

Yesterday, i went out with Sylvia Eka and her cousin. She is my friend from Senior High School until now. Met her in Swensen in Bugis Junction. I had lots of fun chatting with my fren that i almost forgot that i got an appointment with her. I was shocked when i read the sms from her, and quickly changed myself and went to the place of meeting. Hahaha

I had an ice cream there, it was called "Gold Rush" if i am not wrong.

Swensen's Gold Rush

Overall taste ok.. and there is promotion of buying 1 for 1 that day. ^^

After that we continue our travelling to suntec city, and straight go to Fountain of Wealth. We were lucky to be there close to 7pm because that is the time where the fountain was turned off so that people can walk in the centre and raise their lucks. Because it is believed that people who walked circling the fountain will get lucky.

But too bad, i din go there to do like what most tourists did. ^^
Nevermind, there will be next time, cause i might stay in here for quite a long time.

Fountain of Wealth

From top view

7PM, and people start to walk into the middle fountain.. ^^

Took some pictures there but too bad currently the photo were not with me :(

After that, we continued back to the Convention Centre because i said there was supposed to be some kind of IT show today.. But too bad, there was Travel Fiesta instead of the IT show. I guessed the show might be in somewhere else in suntec, not in the convention centre.

After that we walked down to the first floor, and on 4th floor there were Prewedding or wedding photogprahy.. Imagine when you walked there with a girl friend (friend that is a girl, not ur darling). The moment i stepped on the floor, a guy come and approached me.. 

Him : "Hi Sir!! You are looking for pre-wedding photo?? We have a promotion here. Here is the brochure!
Me : "Ahh,, no no.. We are just passing by only. Thanks"
Him : "Oh OK"

Then we walked and see some of the photos. My friend's cousin also getting married soon, so she was looking around to see the concept and who knows she can used that concept later for her wedding photography..

Not even walked for more than 15 steps. another man approached me.

Him: "Hi Sir, You are getting married??" [ actually in mandarin ]
Me: "No no, we are just friend only. Not couple."

We just laughing and laughing.,. haha.. Coz on that floor, almost every stands approached me and talk about the same thing. I said "Ayo turun, makin parah ntar klu jalan lama2" [ Let's us go down quickly, if not will be very funny later ].. haha
Wondering why when they offered this offer, they will ask the man first.. hahaa Can ask the girl also ma,.. Lolx

After that we continue to Marina Square, as they want to go to Merlion. In Marina Square, i bought CROCS Flip because i have been waiting all for this day to come.. haha..

Planned since last week to buy, and we were in marina square that day, so why not..

 My First Crocs Shopping Bag.. :P

My First Crocs Flip. It is called Modi Flip

Pass through the Esplanade, and it was my first time to see the live show at the Esplanade water front. It was actually a very good scenery from there, where you can see the Merlion and new Marina Bay (still in construction though). Imagine if the marina has finished, it will be an amazing scene.

Waterfront Scene

The Live Show at Water Front

Bridge Somehere near Fullerton Hotel.

After that continue walking to Merlion and took some pictures there. Drove back by my friend's friend. And come back home with a very tired face.. hahaha

Happy Day For Everyone ^ ^

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Best Interview So Far

Today is my best day as i have got 1 interview on 3PM in International Business Park. The position that i have applied to is Technical Consultant in which the company is specialized in EMV (Europay MasterCard Visa) in which are used in Debit Card and Credit Card (the one that used chips on the card), as well as NFC (Near Field Communication) where you can use your mobile phone to pay ur bill.

It was the best interview that i have got from my last few interviews. I hope i can get the job. The company is not that big, but 1 good thing is, you can learn a lot, and they will direct you to your area of expertise. 

For Example: If you want to be a programmer in the next 5 years, they will give you jobs that are related on programming. If you want to be a consultant, they will arrange a job that will require more interaction with customers for you. 

But in the middle of the way, if you want to change to sales, they could do it for you as long as they think that you are capable of doing sales.

I chose to be Technical Consultant, because i like to travel instead of just sitting in office everyday. ^^

But then of course i had to learn the technical things first before i can give consultation for other. 

And the working environment is also quite friendly. The staffs can just wear casual attire. Really suits my style.. haha. 

Today is also one of my friend birthday, Tini.. She's an easy going person, love to chat with her as she is very friendly. Hehe.. 

"Happy Birthday to You...."

I know you love strawberry so much, and i could not give any birthday gift for you. So, i will just use this blog to say birthday for you and as an optional way of giving you your birthday gift.

 A Strawberry Cake as a Gift from me.. ^^
Sorry, just a picture.. But at least i try to find a nice cake.. Haha

I still got one gift.. Hehe. A wine written in your name.. hahaha. Actually that's a real brand with your name. I just found it interesting and would like to share with you.

Tini's Wine

I hope i can get the job and everything..

Wishing everyone has a nice day......

Friday, April 2, 2010

Singapore Expo

Just come back from Singapore expo, it was like a very big warehouse. Currently today, there were quite lots of events there.

1. Branded Sale up to 90%
Esprit Clothes was just tagged with SGD9-30++ only.. So cheap.. haha
But din buy anything yet,  cuz i have not start to work yet.. T-T

2. MPH Bookstore also put on sale up to 80%.
Din go inside to see coz i din really much interested with book.

3. The Megatex Expo Sale.
Something similar to IT Fair Show.. I was so damn jealous because i cant buy anything for now although the price is so damn fucking cheap..

Imagine a Full HD LED TV 47 inch, from SGD 3000, become SGD 1499.. WAAAAAAAAAAA.. I want it so badddddddddddd...

Asus EEEPC, cost only 399 from 599.. It was sold out even on the first day of the event.. Cool!!

There are so many discounted items. Cheapest Digital Camera by Samsung was tagged at SGD98 only.. Damn!!

Din buy anything there, just window shopping.. ^^

After that, we took dinner at the expo food court there. Had my duck rice plus the Bakut Teh soup.. Quite nice.. Love the soup, coz it has been long time since the last time i had my bakut teh..

Duck rice plus the Bakut Teh soup

 Expo Food Court

After that, we ate ice kacang. I ordered Durian Ice Kacang, and Mango Ice Kacang. The durian was nice. I like it so much, due to the sweetness and it is also quite long since my last durian meal.. :) Forget to take the ice kacang.. 

Yesterday went to a place to buy cheap digital camera as advertised on newspaper. But when we reached there, the staff  said it is already sold out.. went there for nothing in hope to get something cheap. haha.

Of course after that dinner as usual.. Had a western food and i saw one funny stall called Ah Long Pancake. It is quite famous because there were lots of signs  showed that it got lots of appreciation from the society.

Nasi goreng ayam.. haha

I guessed this was Prawn Noodle

Ah Long Pancake.
Sorry lazy to rotate the picture..

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Holding Hands for Man is not sign of "G", but it is a Friendship

This is a very interesting post that i want to share with all of my readers. It was inspired from one of the TV station here in Singapore that discuss these matter.

Whenever you went out, either you went to shop, or just sightseeing, you might saw girls were holding hands, and that was very normal to you.

But what happen if 2 grown-up man walking and holding hands together. What would you thinking in your mind? Definitely at first you will say "Ihhhh".. I would say the same thing as well.

But not for Indian (India People), you will often see they holding hands in public. To them that is called as friendship or male bonding, unrelated to any homosexual thing that you could think of.

The TV station showed they holding hands like you would with your girlfriend. They can hold each other hands while standing so close to each other. Sometimes they would share their food together. They even help feed their friend using their hands. The other friend would do the same back to him.

This post is not trying to offend India men in this world. But to tell people all around the world, that friendship can be expressed in any way you can. If girls could holding hands with each other at public places, why it would make a different opinion if 2 man are holding hands in public??

It is just a matter of human perception...

Enjoy the Post.... ^ ^

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jobsdb Paperless JobFair 2010

Me and steward went to the job fair last friday, 26th March 2010. The advertisement on this job fair is amazing. With Resort World Sentosa and DBS offering more than 500 jobs to job seekers. And the queue was simply amazing, lots of applicants came to register and find a suitable job for them. Including me.. haha

The jobfair somehow looked cool when i have finished register my name. They give you something like card, and you need to scan the code to login to the system. That's one of their paperless strategy.

Somehow, when i entered the room, hall 6, i approached one of booth there.. With a very polite and nice sound, i asked the girl..

me: "Hi, Good Afternoon!! Do you have any openings for IT jobs in your company?"

Girl: "Hi, Good Afternoon! You are Singaporeans?"
me: "No"
girl: "PR?"
me: "no"
girl: "Oh, we are very sorry. Our company only looking for Singaporeans and PR only!! We are very sorry!!
me: "Oh, ok then. Thanks"

I was like ahhhhhhh.. So straight to the point.. HAHA.. This is what you all need to expect when looking for a job in other country. No PR no TALK!! - NPNT!!

We were wondering they provided few laptops around their booth, and when i saw the laptop with someone accessing it. I saw, they just looking at the jobs available in that booth, and click on apply button to apply for the job. This is what you called Paperless JobFair.

This is not different than you just sitting down in your room, looking at the laptop, open up Firefox, type in, and select which job you want. Accountancy, IT, Hospitality.

It seems that it was useless to go there that day. Think from another point of view (as what my friend Julie said, yes, i met her that day there):
1. There were 1000 people there applying the jobs.
2. The way you applying the job is the same like what you can do at home.
3. Compare to apply the job available in that Job Fair, it is much better to look at another company that were not listed on the jobfair. Why? Your chance of getting called is 1/1000.. HAHAHA

This is what i can share with you today. Enjoy

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Universal Studio Singapore - Part 2

My last story ended on The Lost World area, and now we are going to continue the story to the EGYPT.. Where the mummies are residing. The main attraction is the Revenge of The Mummy Ride. This place was really hot at the time we entered. Really makes you think like you are in Egypt.. haha

There are 2 anubis [i think it is anubis] standing very tall at the entrance of the Revenge of the Mummy Ride. In front of the anubis, there are lots of another statue kneel facing each other on the right and left side. The far end is another tall relic which is i think it is like a monument. 

Let's talk about the mummy ride. It was the most horrible and terrifying (to some people ride) i have ever rode before in my life. The way to the ride is also very long, we need to walk like 5-6 minutes before we can reach the ride because the place was made like a puzzle road. It made you take the long way instead of just making 1 straight line.

I was thinking, if it was on weekend, i think the queue will be amazing a lot.......

The ride was little bit different because the roller coaster can speed up, slow down, going backward suddenly. I was shocked when to coaster reverse so sudden, when we faced to a cracking wall, so instead of crashing to the wall, the ride was reversing back and it was made as if we fall down into a pit of hole. AMAZING feeling.. haha.

There are some REAL FIRE spits out from a hole. You can feel the heat from the coaster. Normally they will use a fake fire, but this is real, almost like every ride in Universal Studio is made real. And the terrifying part is, when the coaster went up and down, the area around you are very dark, almost totally dark, thus you cant see when the ride is going down or up.. Just surrender your heart to the ride.. haha

Overall, the ride was good. I cant believe it that i played that coaster after i had my lunch.. haha

Next we took a treasure ride, which was riding and old fashioned car going for 1 round. Nothing interesting and boring. IMHO.

Here are the pictures from the EGYPT Area

The Entrance to the EGYPT World

The Entrance to the Revenge of the Mummy

Revenge of the Mummy

The Relic from Far and Close

Next we move on to the Sci-fi City, where the biggest and famous attraction resides. The Battlestar Galatica Human and Cyclon.

The Human is the red colour while the cyclon is the blue colour roller coaster ride. The coaster was mix into 1 place as if the 2 coasters are going to collide with each other but in fact it wont happen. So dun worry.

The red one is famous because it is very fast, 90 km/h. It does not hestitate at all, even when the beginning of ride, it speed up so sudden to top, and go down so suddenly. I cant even shout when the ride was coming down after speeding up so sudden. It is as if the coaster were going to take off from the rail. DAMN..

It way too fast and ended so quickly. HAHA.. After the ride, i felt not so well, a bit dizzy and sweating because it was very hot outside. My auntie asked me if i want to ride the blue one, and totally go against it. haha..

The blue rail is famous for its cobra roll, vertical loops and upside down rail. There are so many loops which made me dont want to ride. haha.. but to those who likes that kind of ride, you should ride it. You wont regret it. I can promise that.

After that continue to play Accelerator, something like spinning cup, but in futuristic design. I also din ride it because i get dizzy very quickly if i ride something that is spinning round and round.

These are the picture from Sci-fi City

The Entrance

THe Battlestar Galatica - Human and Cyclon

Me and the Ride. hoho

Closer Looks

The Logo

The Accelerator

The Sci-fi Cup

We move on to New York Area afterward. The building in here are really resemble lot to New York city, and there is Marylin Monroe in this area, but too bad never take picture with her.

Nothing much to explain in here, the attraction we got into were Steven Spielberg Special Effect Studio and Monster Rock Theater. 

Steven Spielberg attraction is amazing, you went into a building where they try to create a level 5 Tornado Warning. Everything was destroyed, from a big billboard falling down, speedboat crash into a small house, explosion, and a big ship coming close to where we stand as if it was going to crash us. When it almost crashed us, the stage where we were standing shaken to create the effect. It is very good. I have record the attraction but not so clear, scared caught by the staff. haha..

Monster Rock Theater was actually a rock musical theater feature dracula, mummy, werewolf, and so on. The old new york monster. They sang mostly rock songs. They even sang "Nobody but You" english version. haha.. I love the last song which was Bon Jovi It's My Life, You Give love a bad name.. I really enjoy the music..

There was 1 signature restaurant of classic new york city, whereby there were lots of classic cars parked outside the restaurant, and the design of the restaurant itself was classic. 

There was 1 group of break dance performing there. And my uncle's son was performing the dance itself. You can see it in the video below. FYI, he is only 3 years old now.

and here are the pictures from New York Area, as well as some random picture taken when the Universal Studio was closing down.

 The Old Stylish Building

Going Inside the Building

New York Street

American Food

The Palace

New York Old Restaurant

 With BreakDance Group

 Monster Rock Theatre

 Water World, taking photos with the Casts

 Water World

 Yeah, I get an OSCAR for............ [read it urself] 

And that is all for the trip to Universal Studio..

Enjoy the story.............................