Sunday, May 2, 2010

2 movies before Going back to Singapore

Well, before coming back here to Singapore, I went to watch IP Man 2 and Iron Man 2.. It was a great day.. For more information on the day, just click HERE!!! to read more, cuz my friend already write about it.. Just wanna save time on writing.. :)) Thanks Tin..

One thing make me regret on that day is to miss the secret ending after the credit on Iron Man 2 movie. I bet Tini and friends also din know about this. ^^

and so here are the secret ending of Iron Man 2 after the credit

It was about one of SHIELD member ( he made an appearance in Iron Man 2 as well) found the Thor's Hammer. Thor is also one of the marvel superheroes.

The SHIELD was actually trying to find all the super heroes to make one team called Avengers..

I love the Ip Man 2 movie a lot even my friends were clapping hands.. ^^

Tini and Melina were so happy to see one of the actor inside the movie. He's called Huang Xiaoming. Tin, it's the name u usually called me.. HOHOHOHO.. 

same hair, same name.. what else?? hahahaha

Huang Xiaoming


  1. yeah.. we missed the secret ending in iron man2.. i tot it finished dy.. hehe.. yes,have to admit,that actor same name with u,same hair style,but only one thing diff, his eyes is bigger than u.. hehe.. peace^^

  2. haha.. yea lo.. who knows there was a secret ending inside..
    Yea lo, if my eyes were like him, ok liao.. :p
