Monday, April 19, 2010

Here Comes The Offer!!

Finally, after 1 n half month of struggling to find a work here in Singapore has been paid off. I got the offer from E-Cop Pte Ltd, as an Associate Security Analyst [ sounds cool right ^^]. My responsibilities is quite simple.. Reading logs, interpret them, and  alert the network admin of the corresponding company.

I hope i can easily understand how to read and interpret those logs, as i had little bit of experience only. My plan is to become senior Security Analyst just within 1 year. Hope it can be done. After that if everything is going smoothly, i want to become a consultant. ^^

Instead of just sitting down in office, it will much better to interact with the customer as well. Then must also certified myself with GCIA, CISSP, and CCNA. hahahaha

Yesterday, i went out with Sylvia Eka and her cousin. She is my friend from Senior High School until now. Met her in Swensen in Bugis Junction. I had lots of fun chatting with my fren that i almost forgot that i got an appointment with her. I was shocked when i read the sms from her, and quickly changed myself and went to the place of meeting. Hahaha

I had an ice cream there, it was called "Gold Rush" if i am not wrong.

Swensen's Gold Rush

Overall taste ok.. and there is promotion of buying 1 for 1 that day. ^^

After that we continue our travelling to suntec city, and straight go to Fountain of Wealth. We were lucky to be there close to 7pm because that is the time where the fountain was turned off so that people can walk in the centre and raise their lucks. Because it is believed that people who walked circling the fountain will get lucky.

But too bad, i din go there to do like what most tourists did. ^^
Nevermind, there will be next time, cause i might stay in here for quite a long time.

Fountain of Wealth

From top view

7PM, and people start to walk into the middle fountain.. ^^

Took some pictures there but too bad currently the photo were not with me :(

After that, we continued back to the Convention Centre because i said there was supposed to be some kind of IT show today.. But too bad, there was Travel Fiesta instead of the IT show. I guessed the show might be in somewhere else in suntec, not in the convention centre.

After that we walked down to the first floor, and on 4th floor there were Prewedding or wedding photogprahy.. Imagine when you walked there with a girl friend (friend that is a girl, not ur darling). The moment i stepped on the floor, a guy come and approached me.. 

Him : "Hi Sir!! You are looking for pre-wedding photo?? We have a promotion here. Here is the brochure!
Me : "Ahh,, no no.. We are just passing by only. Thanks"
Him : "Oh OK"

Then we walked and see some of the photos. My friend's cousin also getting married soon, so she was looking around to see the concept and who knows she can used that concept later for her wedding photography..

Not even walked for more than 15 steps. another man approached me.

Him: "Hi Sir, You are getting married??" [ actually in mandarin ]
Me: "No no, we are just friend only. Not couple."

We just laughing and laughing.,. haha.. Coz on that floor, almost every stands approached me and talk about the same thing. I said "Ayo turun, makin parah ntar klu jalan lama2" [ Let's us go down quickly, if not will be very funny later ].. haha
Wondering why when they offered this offer, they will ask the man first.. hahaa Can ask the girl also ma,.. Lolx

After that we continue to Marina Square, as they want to go to Merlion. In Marina Square, i bought CROCS Flip because i have been waiting all for this day to come.. haha..

Planned since last week to buy, and we were in marina square that day, so why not..

 My First Crocs Shopping Bag.. :P

My First Crocs Flip. It is called Modi Flip

Pass through the Esplanade, and it was my first time to see the live show at the Esplanade water front. It was actually a very good scenery from there, where you can see the Merlion and new Marina Bay (still in construction though). Imagine if the marina has finished, it will be an amazing scene.

Waterfront Scene

The Live Show at Water Front

Bridge Somehere near Fullerton Hotel.

After that continue walking to Merlion and took some pictures there. Drove back by my friend's friend. And come back home with a very tired face.. hahaha

Happy Day For Everyone ^ ^

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