Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sleep Fengshui..

I am not sure if i what i am gonna write down today is true or not.. This is just something that happened to me 2 days ago.

My friend said, even when we sleep, there is thing called sleep fengshui whereby when you sleep your body must not face to the windows or front door. This is because when you slept like that, the ghost will come and try to take your spirit away leaving you dead body behind. in other words, you might die!!

As i was sleeping in the living room with my body facing to the front door, and i had nightmare few times. First time, i dreamed whereby i saw a ghost flying around outside of my house.. Because i am little bit curious as i want to see how's the face looks like, i called the ghost few times.. "Oi Ghost Ghost"

THen so suddenly, the ghost fly to infront of my face.. I was shocked although i cant see the face clearly. I was trying to say something, but dunno why my sound wont come out.. Is it because i am scared??

After that, i try my best to wake up because i knew that it was a dream. Yeah, i can say that i am proud of myself on how i aware to i am inside my dream land... HOHOHOHO..

Second time i slept with my body face to front door again!!!

That night is the most terrible night.. i dunno how it began, i only remember the part where suddenly there was a ghost on top of me ( i was laying down on the bed).. suddenly the ghost push my head to the right, and the ghost took out his tongue and the tongue began to move inside my ear.. I was so scared and felt painful because the ghost hands was like pressuring down on my right ribs (the side of the ribs where you can feel ticklish if somebody tickling you).. I try my best to wake up because i knew it was just a dream.. But it was so difficult. I began to chant Buddhist Chanting.. and saying something like "Repent yourself" and start chanting "Na mo amitafou" few times until i woke up.

When i woke up, i dunno why my body feel so weak, and the pain on my left ribs still can be felt.. I slowly move my body facing to the wall after that..

So, i am not sure if you should believe this story or not and if the sleeping fengshui is really effective or not.. Read and believe it if you want..

May The GHost Be WitH You Tonite .......

Just kidding..



  1. Xiaoming,so next time dun be nauti ya.. sleep at the rite position..

  2. haha.. sure sure.. i wont be nauti..i promise.. :p
