Saturday, May 8, 2010

Google has been updated after so long!!

Google now has been updated with minor updates. First of all the Google logo.. It changed slightly different from the old one.

It has also add another new left panel navigation which can be seen in the picture below.

The new left panel

It is actually not something new, i dunno why Google's staff talking about it until such a length.. It is actually the same menu at the top of the google search page. In which you can filter you search based on Web, Images, Blogs, Videos, or Maps. So, i guess it is not something new. Except the timeline search, where you can filter you search based on timeline, for example: Searching for Avian Virus from 2002-2005. It will show the search result based on that timeline.

The desktop version of Google has now even more powerful left panel filled with new tools and smarter suggestions. Its functionality is based on the Universal Search, Search Options panel and Google Squared – features launched through the past three years.

The Universal Search takes up the top of the panel and allows you to filter your results by a specific type (images, books, news, etc.). Switching between different types is very fast as usual.
The next part of the panel is the Search Options. This powerful tool allows you different views of your results – page previews with thumbnails, sites with images, filter the shopping results or the translated ones.
Some new functions has also been improved on the other application, such as google maps and google translate.
In google map, you can find places (shops, cafe, restaurant) nearby your searching point. Let's say you were searching on Times Square, New York. Google map can give suggestion on some place for you to have fun, plus pictures as well. You can also try the new Google Map 3D. It is actually using the Google Earth on the web browser, instead of directly using the application. To use it, you must install the Google Earth plugin
While google translates now can automatically detect what kind of languages you typed in, in which you have to choose manually before. 
Here is the video explaining all the new features in Google.

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