Monday, November 9, 2009

Ithaa, World's First Underwater Restaurant

Ever imagine of having a lunch or breakfast while watching lots of fishes swim together??

Well, you can enjoy it now.

Dine 5 metres below sea level at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island's unique underwater restaurant. Marvel at 360 degree views of reef and marine life, sip champagne cocktails and sample Maldivian-Western fusion cuisine at this spectacular Maldives restaurant - the world's only aquarium-style restaurant.

This restaurant is called Ithaa Restaurant and opened by Hilton Resort & Spa.

At the moment it only have 12 seats available. Hence make this place very exquisite and elite..

And the opening hours of this restaurant are:
Monday: 12:30 - 23:00
Tuesday: 12:30 - 23:00
Wednesday: 12:30 - 23:00
Thursday: 12:30 - 23:00
Friday: 12:30 - 23:00
Saturday: 12:30 - 23:00
Sunday: 12:30 - 23:00

Some of the menu available in this restaurant are:

Dining Experience
Welcome Champagne Cocktail

“Sai” Tea
Maldivian Tea Infused with Indigenous Plants & Herbs

Cold Starters
Raw Seared “Kanneli” Yellow Fin Tuna with Rihakuru Maldivian Fish Glaze,
Cracked Black Pepper, Dehydrated Lime Dust, Laced with Lime Oil
Cooked Seared Lamb Loin with Tahini, Toasted Black Sesame Seeds,
“Kulhafila” Maldivian Beach Grass with Lime, Onion & Salt
Seared Smoked Salmon Gravlax Style, Lemon Curd Curried Wasabi Mayonnaise
Sour Lime & Chili Pickled “Ihi” Maldivian Lobster in Smoked Tomato Jelly

Hot Starters
“Assans” Double Duck Essence Infused with Maldivian Rampe Leaf with a Toasted Parmesan Chip
“Gulha” Lollipop Ground Fish Balls with Local Spices, Coconut, Onions,
Chili & Ginger, Lemongrass Skewered & Shallow Fried
“Bajiya” Pan-fried Foot Long Samosa Filled with Vegetables, Yellow Curry & Dried Cumin
“Bondi” Dumplings of Deep-fried Marinated Ground Lamb & Rice Kibbeh Style
“Roshi” Selected Maldivian Flat Breads

Main Course
“Baith” Selection of Maldivian Rice
“Riha” Curry Deep-Fried “Raithmas” Red Snapper on Yellow Curried Dhal
“Tharukari” Vegetables Cinnamon & Mild Red Curry Flavored Fried Vegetables Tempura Style
“Asdhooni” Black Lacquered Baked Duck Breast Coriander Crusted
“Kukullhu” Poached Breast of Chicken Roll Filled with Stewed Dates & Pickled Lime on a Mild Maldivian Curry Paste Sauce
“Kanbalhi” Roast Rack Lamb with a Cracked Pistachio & Arabian Red Powder
“Faru Man” Reef Fish Steamed & Served in an Oriental Nage with Oil Blanched Ponzu Vegetables
Grilled “Ihi” Maldivian Lobster Napped with Reduced Vanilla, Mint Cream & Gratinated with Hollandaise Sauce

Candied Mango Mousse with Lemon Grass & Cardamom Essence
Frozen Yoghurt Mild Curry Flavored
Dark Maldivian Banana Muffin served with an Over Cooked Banana Compote & Cracked Meringue
Tropical Fruit Diced & Bamboo Skewered with Hot Candied Ginger, Chocolate Fondue
“Ithaa” Assorted Chocolate Dipped Rose Water Candies

Lots of options isnt it?? and also the food is priced at 170 $ per person for HB/FB Guests and 200 $ per person for BB Guests. Prices are in US $ and subject to 10% Service Charge

that is according to <-- Ithaa Restaurant's Menu

And FYI, this restaurant lifespan is about 20 years in which it was open on 15 April 2005. So it still has another 11 years to go.. SO what are you waiting for? For those planning for honey moon, i think this is one of the best place you should go. ^-^6

Check this video for the a whole impression on the restaurant itself

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

TGS 2009

Well, TOkyo Game SHow 2009 has already passed, and there are lots of new games waiting for me to play.. haha..

I am so eager to play Front Mission Evolved, and FFXIII. These 2 games are very good, and both are developed by Square Enix. Front Mission Evolved has really evolved in terms of gameplay.. and the Graphics look awesome on both games.

Street Fighter also got a new expansion called Super Street Fighter 4.. It is just the same game but with additional characters.

Here is a screenshot of FFXIII..

and here is the SSF4

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The power of Photo editting..

Well, it seems that technology does not have an end.. Always keep evolving.
In photo editing, which most of all would know it as Adobe Photoshop, which is a very good photo editing..

There are lots of algorithm involve in the software itself, especially for the effect inside the Photoshop itself.

Now with Photoshop CS 5, you can easily edit your photo thanks to the PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing quickly finding approximate nearest neighbor matches between image patches.

This makes photoediting lots of easier just by targeting the target u want in the photo. You dont need to do masking, do not need to do layer. Everything is just happened so fast.

Let's say in a photo, there are 2 people, and you want to make 1 person disappear. Mostly this could take lots of time, but with the new algorithm, it just takes 2/3 mouse clicks..

Check out the video on how it works

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Windows 7 Professional Original and For free

Just wanna inform to all APIIT student who read this post, you can get Original Windows 7 Professional Edition for free by signing to MSDNAA account..

How to get one?

Simple, email to kalai Anand (THe annoying go green lecturer that are very lazy to teach in class) that you want to request for msdnaa account,, Later login to and enter the account that has been made for u..

Download the iso file and you will get the serial key as well. I have been using it for almost like 2 weeks, so enjoy for those who already get the account, and for those who havent made the account..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thai Ads

The thai people is always very creative to create a funny advertisement for commercial product or something else..

Here is some of the funny ads from thailand.. EnjOy!!

House Insurance Ads (I think la, because the house almost get burnt and save it by flying)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

All Japanese are hentai..

U see, it is not really a coincidence on how someone could become a couple in japan.. All has been planned very well, straight from the first time that they met each other till the proposal..

Please see the video on how the Japanese date,

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Haha,, it was so funny isn't it?? In final words, there are no rules on how to get a girl.. haha

Super Cow!!!

At first i see this, it was like "WOW!!!!!"

You have seen a man with built up body (with muscles all over his body), you could maybe even see a woman with that kind of body...

But have you ever seen cow with muscles over all of its body?? THis video might interest you..haha..

They make this bread by breading with the most muscles cow over like almost 10 years, in order to get a cow in that video..

Well, video speak for itself.. enjoy..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Even animal can be scared

I found a very funny video shown that Animal is also can be scared of or startled. just like human.. hahaha.. When your friend suddenly scared u from the back, and ur reaction is to jump back or shout out very loud.. haha..

Poor little bear, but that is how they make their animal instinct back to them.. Check out the video

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jogoya Supper Buffet

Well, so here it is the story from Jogoya Supper Buffet i mentioned in the last 2 previous post. Bare with me, this is gonna be a long post.. ^^ Enjoy the food.. haha

Jogoya is a buffet style restaurant, which provides varieties of food, dessert, drinks (alcohol and non alcohol), cakes, etc. There are 3 styles of food for the overall :
1. Japanese cuisine - sushi, etc
2. Chinese cuisine - dim sum, etc
3. Western food - dunno what also, but my friend said got western food.

The price for the buffet as following:
1. Buffet Lunch 1130-1340 (weekday), 1100-1400 (weekend and PH) - RM 78.00++
2. Buffet Late Lunch 1400-1620 (weekday), 1400-1620 (weekend and PH) - RM 68.00++
3. Buffet Dinner 1700-2130 (weekday), 1700-2130 (weekend and PH) - RM 88.00++
4. Buffet Supper 2140-2400 (weekday), 2140-2400 (weekend and PH) - RM 78.00++

Call for reservation : +603-2142 1268

Wah, i am promoting Jogoya now!! They should have give me some money leh.. ^^

The one i went to is located inside Starhill Gallery. The room inside is very big and have a nice design, that is what my opinion.

Some of my friend went to Bukit Bintang earlier to watch movie. GI Joe and Up! I could not follow them because i got exam till 1pm. While talking in Allison, we ask Lihpin and Jonathan daiko to come together. But only Lihpin said yes to the invitation.. Because must be in 1 pair, Lihpin go find Farid as his couple.. hahaha.. Farid in which was having a CEH class in APIIT agreed to it while canceling his fasting day at the last minute.. hahahaha.. kidding la farid, dun angry ok?? ^^

Then went together with Lihpin, Farid and Andrew to Jogoya. Reach there at ngam ngam 10 o'clock.. But cant go in because we are late, had to provide them with the number seat, which 124 table. Then after that went inside. On the way, met one group of people, and we were saying.. "Sure those people are going to the Jogoya as well"
"They all want to go for the supper oso.. haha"

And the assumption was correct, the moment enter the restaurant, Dammmmnnnn blur, so many people even at supper time. Upon arriving on the table, my friend already took so many food and was beautifully placed on the table. After that i went to take my food.. Also dammmnn blur, dunno what food to take.. haha..

This is the interior of the restaurant

Second picture (This is left area when i left my eating room)

This is where the Japanese cuisine was placed.

Start my journey with Japanese food, take some salmon sushi, sashimi, and an oyster.. The most disgusting dish i took is the oyster.. Looks yummy but damn, the meat is raw.. but i really want to try at least once to eat. And so here came my chance.. so i just took it.. haha..

Farid ate it first, and he said "MMMMM Yummy!!!"
Soon after that, i followed his bravery, i ate the thing by sucking it, cuz i really dunno how to eat that thing.. Use spoon peel it out a bit, and then suck it.. All just smoothly went inside my mouth.. ^^

Some seconds after that, i feel "YUCKKK" in my mouth.. Sipe sipe disgusting.. but luckyly not puke out.. haha.. Lihpin is the third contender, but could not finish it.. too bad could not see his expression.. But later finished by Farid.. wah,, farid tomorrow morning sure got extra energy, his machine gun can be reloaded two times d.. hahahahah.. Peace yo farid.. ^^

Here is the picture of the oyster (As i forgot to take the picture, i use yeinjee picture from the website, thanks ^^)

(looks yummy or not to all of you)

I forget to take photo of some of the food i ate..

And here are the foods and drinks:

Chicken Katsudon or something like that

Waffle with choc

Boiled fish (Andrew's favourite)


Coconut (Not so nice, i dun like it, two thumbs down)

The tea with pot.. Got few types of tea available, one of them is called Pu Er Tea

The Pu Er Tea

Cuban Libre, The best drink i had

The long lost herbal soup, dunno why my soup was suddenly gone when i came back to my table. I have only drank it for 3 times only, SWT..

Dunno what is this, Lihpin Special Order

Fruit Jelly, Mango Pudding, Haagen Dazs, Some choc cookies

The mini stove. I did prank on Lihpin with this one. He was trying to lit up the fire using his lights, but then when he was doing it, i shouted "BUMM"
He was startled, and it was so hilarious to me. haha..

Of course the main thing in here is the ice cream, which is Haagen Dazs. If you think You dont want to waste your money eating buffet here, i think you can eat 8 scoops in here, then it is almost equal to your buffet fee.. hahaha.. I ate 5 scoops in total.

This is the place where you can get ur unlimited Haagen Dazs Ice Cream

Choc Chip & Coffee Ice Cream, Fruit Jelly (Not really that nice)

The threesome ice cream (Top - Rasberry Sorbet, Bottom - Belgian Choc & Green Tea)

Some of my friends were doing video using some of the foods they ate. They tried to become a food critique whereby they explain how the texture of the cake la, bla bla bla, and etc.

The mess we made. ^^V
The only thing unique in this picture is only Angel the one did a pose. Lol

The staff kept announcing the restaurant will be closed at 12am, sorry for the inconvenience. bla bla.. On the way back, took some photo outside of the restaurant, and did some camwhoring on the sofa.. Lol..

But when we went out of Starhill, it was raining, and all the taxi were charging us with a very expensive fare. They think we are stupid, from there to Bukit Jalil is already 20 something, BULLSHIT!! Normally now only 16 or 17 at the most, even with the new meter charge. Dunno why they still want to do business like that although their meter has been upgraded.. Malaysia Taxi really a pain in ass, no shame at all.

Reach home safely around 1.30am, and after that playing Dragonica Online.. Haha..

that's all for the Jogoya trip.

Farid aka the Guest

I found that this guy looks a bit like farid.. at a glance la,, but if u see at very long time not really the same.. haha..

Farid is my hero, he damn smart and so nice to people.. For all those security company looking for Security Expert, dun forget to look for Farid Farhan, haha.. soon will be a Certified Ethical Hacker.. So pro!! Damn salute with him.. ^^

Happy fasting day..

and this is the picture of Farid wannabe at glance, in short Farid Glance

SAME OR NOT?? hah? hah? How??

Yeah,, No more exams..

Yeah, officially start from today, there is no more exams for me apparently. Just have to wait for 1 practical test.. I found it really funny, cuz this is the first time i have a practical test on holiday, cuz after exam,there are no more classes.

Tonite going to have supper buffet in Jogoya inside Starhill, got promotion buy 1 free 1. Hope the food wont disappoint me later, cuz normally in supper, they wont serve new food, so its kind off leftover food.. LOLX..

Hope wont happen la..........

And so one day i was curious about one thing, and it is a food. haha.. Actually it was a chocolate. Went to carrefour, and seeing a promotion for kinder joy chocolate, the same chocolate manufacturer for Ferroro Rocher, which is very nice chocolate. I was so curious about what is the thing inside the egg shape chocolate. *Actually i was more interested about the toy inside it.. hahaha.. yeah, i know i am childish,, haha..

This is what it looks like from outside..

and this is what it looks like from inside.

There are 2 nuts covered with chocolate, which surrounded by white chocolate. Not really nice though.. as for the toy, i got a key chain, but forget to take a picture of it. and it looks very ugly.. haha.. what a waste of money.. RM3 for 1 of that.

And i must say thank you to Tini for going to 4Life to ask for the information that i wanted to know.. Thanks a lot..

That's all for today..


Thursday, August 20, 2009


Wah,, yesterday i was sick till now..

THis morning went to klink sentral to see doctor, and as usual it take less than 5 minutes just to be examined by the Doctor.. Sipe lihai.. dunno why always like that?? racist is it?? hahaha..

Got 3 medications to eat, cough, sore throat and flu..

Hate to take medicine, because it is so lame to take it and lame to be sick.. I am so lame.. T-T

But what to do, i am sick, better get recover faster, tmr got presentation as well.. that is why i have to recover now.. damn

Monday, August 17, 2009

FYP presentation

My FYP presentation schedule has been scheduled, and it is on Friday 2-3pm

Hope i can do it well !!

After this, have to go find my first official new job in spore or malaysia. Dunno how to do this now, have to plan carefully so that everything can go smoothly..

I have been working from previous year, when i was taking a break between my high school and college life. I was thinking of pursuing my Degree in NTU Spore, but luck wasn't with me. The test was damn hard, especially mathematic, because that is subject i hated the most..
Same goes to my fren, she could not get into NTU, and never heard her news since a long time ago.. How are you now?

Today went to college to attend the End of Level briefing at 4pm, thus i followed dom and friends to APIIT. Upon reaching APIIT, straight go to Level 3, to see how the FYP presentation feels like.. but too bad my friend's supervisor and advisor does not know the schedule for today, thus it is postponed till dunno when.. LOL.. I was thinking, should not be the lecturer be informed about this presentation, as it quite important..

Today was also Indonesia's Independance Day for the 64th Year.. Hope Indonesia can become better country with better people and services.. Too bad i could not attend the ceremony because my friend needs to go eat, and since i have not eaten anything since morning, i am thinking my stomach is much more important than the Independance Day.. LOL.. Yeah, this is the kind of person i am.. hahahaha..

Today saw Cecilia Cheung again,, haha.. Today look younger than last Friday, dunno why.. oso saw tini again on Level 2, looks like very stressed,, lol.. din dare to talk to her..

That's all for today..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Yeah, finally today my fyp is submitted, sealed and signed.. Lol..

Feel very happy and a little bit free, just have to wait for exam and another practical test. Hope everything will go smoothly.. Yeah!!!

Never update my blog so long d.. I will start updating it soon enough.. coz i am quite free now.. haha..

today go submit around 12PM.. actually want to go with Frans by taxi, by suddenly bus come and i cancel it with frans.. go to the bus, met with my hometown friend, tini.. Long time din see you.. ^^
How are you?

after that, straight go to make hardbound for my FYP.. submit the FYP.. and finally have my lunch in APIIT..

going back home, play NEED FOR SPEED UNDERCOVER.. why i feel PC version is much more better than PS2 version.. damn.. but as usual, my laptop cant support the game for long time playing.. shutdown again.. shit..

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Shinchan with Kamen Rider Den-0

I just found this in youtube, and it is kind of interesting.

It is shinchan with kamen rider den-o..

and here is the film

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wish This July Go very Smoothly

THis is my last fight!!!

One more month to go!!!! JIA YO!!! Wish all my friend oso can do their own tasks very well and hope we can celebrate our FREEDOM DAY very SOONNNNNNNNN.. YEAH!!

I need to keep focus for July, i must decrease my time to play and watching movie.. DAMN IT!! GOD BLESS ME...

really tired of study already, feel like want to work soon, earn a lot of money and move out to western country.. haha..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

This news is already so old, but well i just wanted to say RIP Michael Jackson...

Michael Jackson, or usually called "Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, entertainer, philanthropist andbusinessman. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he made his debut onto the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 in 1969, then began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group. Referred to as the "King of Pop"[2] in subsequent years, his 1982 album Thriller remains the world's best-selling record of all time[3] and four of his other solo studio albums are among the world's best-selling records: Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995)." (wikipedia,2009)

I am not really a fan of him, cuz i din really know his song, i even never really know what were the songs sang by him.. haha.. i only seen one of his zombie video dancing while i was around 6/7 maybe..

But one thing, i dun really like his face.. damn fake.. like a plastic bag.. dunno why all worship him like God.. =="

So, final words, may u RIP there MJ..

Limited McD Burger

Have you all seen and eaten a limited burger from McD???????? huahuahua..

And here i present to all of you the limited burger from McD

Aiyah, dunno why i dun have the mood to do my FYP, always do here a bit then play so often.. damn.. can go watch Transformers 2 Summore.. hahahha.. damn cool la me.

ok enof la.. what time d ?? 3a.m d still spending time doing this...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ring of Halo in CNY 2009

I was boring doing nothing in front of my laptop (which i should be doing my FYP's sytem) and found out an interesting picture.. It was a picture taken a long time ago, it was at the first day of CNY 2009, which is 26 January 2009..

Here is the proof..

It was taken by my lovely phone which has accompanied me for almost 3 years, and cant be separated up till now.. *Devil Laugh

Here is the bigger version of the picture

What do you think? Interesting rite?? A ring of halo just appeared at the sky above the Bukit Jalil Golf Resort and Closed to Savana.. It is a proof that "Chai Sen Ya" / "Good of Fortune" has decended from sky at the first day of CNY 2009.

Those who said not interesting,, I am going to KILL YOU!!!! SILENT!!!

Last time, dunno when is it, i tend to forget a lot nowadays, dunno why? Old d maybe.. *Cough Cough..

I was experimenting on my cooking skill.. haha.. It was just an easy cooking la.. Indomie Goreng with carrot and cabbage plus sunny side egg with black pepper.. taste ok la, but not salty enough.. The sunny side egg is not really nice because i was using William's oil to cook, and because it was not my oil, i din dare to use so much.. So, that is why the eggs end up like tat..

Fried Indomie with Carbage (Carrot&Cabbage) plus Sunny Side Egg with BlackPepper

Can anyone come up with nice name for my dish?? haha..

Friday, June 12, 2009

Louis Vuitton Animation

I was just browsed through the video in youtube, and found out this video.

Nothing much, but it is cute and funny maybe?? so i will just share with all of you here.. ^^

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

3 days going out non stop!! Crystal ANNOUNCEMENT COMING SOON!!

well, this 3 days i spent my day going out to bukit bintang and pasar malam.. haha..

Nella's friend, Mindy, has come to Malaysia to visit her after such a long time.. haha..

Congrats for her cuz she is already graduated and will become Bachelor of Accouting and Finance with Honour... *claps

Tot wanna spent my money on some shorts, but in the end i din even buy one.. LOL
Now they got sales, dunno what season, but almost all stores got their sales card placed at their products... srup srup srup.. tak boleh tahan la..

JUst now went to pasar malam with dyana, nella and mindy.. I ate quite lots of things there : Uncle Bob, Nasi Ayam, dunno what is the name of dumpling wanna be that mindy bought. The pasar malam is sipe sipe hot, better dun bath if you want to go there.. At the end of pasar malam, dyana bought Uncle Bob for Andrew, and Nella bought her Chao Tao Fu again.. Dunno why last time i asked her to try it, she kept insisting on not to eat it.. but now it seems to become her favourite food in pasar malam.. So i think, she was like very crazy la.. People ask to try, she dun wan, now she was like acting on her own to buy that chao tao fu (Fermented Toufu) the moment we reached that pasar malam. This moto is suit for her "Kok em kha kin hiong2 khi bue chau tau fu!!" HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I really want to write about Crystal, her nice body, and everything about her.. I had fallen for her rite now.. Maybe will write about her on the next post after this.. ^^

and for some reasons my friends always saying me that my face is like angry or no mood at all. It is actually not that like that. As you can see, both my eyes was like dropping on the outer side, therefore it looked like i was angry or no mood at all.. I wish i could fix this though..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

PSP GO - Real Design!!

Wow!! This is the first thing that came into my mind when i saw the news.. PSP GO!! design is real based on the leaked version that has been out for months before it was really announced.

This is will be the latest version of PSP, which is called as PSP GO!! some may refer to PSP-4000. Both PSP-3000 and PSP GO! will be available on market. There is no news on Sony will stop the PSP-3000 production once the PSP GO! is released.

Here is some pictures on the design itself :

The design on my opinion is really really SUCKS!! I dun think i will found it to be comfortable enough to use PSP GO! when i play action game..
The analog stick location is really not so comfortable, being designed beside the normal controller pad, i guess gamers have to push their left hand's finger to the right.. haha..

Damn!! i would say this is a fail design. One unique feature that makes it different with previous models is "No UMD"
It already has 16 GB built-in flash memory, with bluetooth function and memory stick micro slot to add another extra storage if you have lots of digital multimedia contents. According to the source, it is 42% lighter than PSP-3000.. That's quite a lot but maybe due to "No UMD" design.

check out this video that has the hands on with the PSP GO!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sweet Smile ^^

Well, today i went to Bukit Bintang to eat BBQ Plaza because the free supreme set is almost expired.. Arrived at there around 3 i guess, and we ordered 1 Deluxe Family Set along with One Deluxe Supreme Set.

Here are some videos on BBQ Plaza Ads on TV

Family Set

Economy Set ads

Two ex-lovers meet each other again

Supreme Set

Very FUnny BBq Plaza!!

Then after that, i went to cut my hair as i think that it already grew so long.. haha..
Wiri asked me to book for him and i met him when i just finished cutting my hair. Then after that
meet up with the rest of my friends and went to Pavilion. Have our dinner at Wong Kwok, a HK Restaurant.

Ups, forget to mentioned i bought a new wallet from Espirit.. ^^

then just before we all went to meet wiri and ceasar at pavilion's entrance, i saw a girl that smile so sweeet.

It happened near the escalator where we all just finished sight seeing from ZARA..

Then before went back, we bought Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Me and Nella shared to buy 1 dozen of doughnuts.

It cost me Rm23.90 --> Quite expensive though...

After that, went back to home.. haha.. and i often see somebody did a crab hands dance when we went out together.. haha

Peace out

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Random Pictures

Well, i planned to put my pictures from the previous holiday, but could not make it until now.. haha..

Some of the picture when i was on the holiday are:

Lontong Sayur with a Glass of Coffee in the morning

Bakso Lapangan Tembak Senayan

Fried Dumpling inside Bakso Lapangan Tembak (but not so crunchy)

Mie Ayam Jamur Set (Around 20k Rupiah i guess)
Overall taste is : Bad, cuz it's tasteless

Ason with his bakso special i guess,, haha

Online in Gloria Jeans with an Orange Italian Soda

Aloe Vera Drink, never saw one before, so i took the picture.. hahaha

Pomegranate Juice, new drink in Indonesia, bought 1 and tried it.
At first, it was taste sweet, but the more u drink, it will taste sour.
Heard that this was better than green tea

Haha,, anyone can guess what is this thing?

The last Item, this was taken in Malaysia, haha
Domino's new box of pizza. So COOL!!!

And finally some pictures from my outing with friends