Well, it seems that technology does not have an end.. Always keep evolving.
In photo editing, which most of all would know it as Adobe Photoshop, which is a very good photo editing..
There are lots of algorithm involve in the software itself, especially for the effect inside the Photoshop itself.
Now with Photoshop CS 5, you can easily edit your photo thanks to the PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing quickly finding approximate nearest neighbor matches between image patches.
This makes photoediting lots of easier just by targeting the target u want in the photo. You dont need to do masking, do not need to do layer. Everything is just happened so fast.
Let's say in a photo, there are 2 people, and you want to make 1 person disappear. Mostly this could take lots of time, but with the new algorithm, it just takes 2/3 mouse clicks..
Check out the video on how it works
Woot...makin keren aja photoshop tapi katanya masih lama keluarnya..hueh