Monday, August 17, 2009

FYP presentation

My FYP presentation schedule has been scheduled, and it is on Friday 2-3pm

Hope i can do it well !!

After this, have to go find my first official new job in spore or malaysia. Dunno how to do this now, have to plan carefully so that everything can go smoothly..

I have been working from previous year, when i was taking a break between my high school and college life. I was thinking of pursuing my Degree in NTU Spore, but luck wasn't with me. The test was damn hard, especially mathematic, because that is subject i hated the most..
Same goes to my fren, she could not get into NTU, and never heard her news since a long time ago.. How are you now?

Today went to college to attend the End of Level briefing at 4pm, thus i followed dom and friends to APIIT. Upon reaching APIIT, straight go to Level 3, to see how the FYP presentation feels like.. but too bad my friend's supervisor and advisor does not know the schedule for today, thus it is postponed till dunno when.. LOL.. I was thinking, should not be the lecturer be informed about this presentation, as it quite important..

Today was also Indonesia's Independance Day for the 64th Year.. Hope Indonesia can become better country with better people and services.. Too bad i could not attend the ceremony because my friend needs to go eat, and since i have not eaten anything since morning, i am thinking my stomach is much more important than the Independance Day.. LOL.. Yeah, this is the kind of person i am.. hahahaha..

Today saw Cecilia Cheung again,, haha.. Today look younger than last Friday, dunno why.. oso saw tini again on Level 2, looks like very stressed,, lol.. din dare to talk to her..

That's all for today..

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