I was boring doing nothing in front of my laptop (which i should be doing my FYP's sytem) and found out an interesting picture.. It was a picture taken a long time ago, it was at the first day of CNY 2009, which is 26 January 2009..
Here is the proof..
It was taken by my lovely phone which has accompanied me for almost 3 years, and cant be separated up till now.. *Devil Laugh
Here is the bigger version of the picture
What do you think? Interesting rite?? A ring of halo just appeared at the sky above the Bukit Jalil Golf Resort and Closed to Savana.. It is a proof that "Chai Sen Ya" / "Good of Fortune" has decended from sky at the first day of CNY 2009.
Those who said not interesting,, I am going to KILL YOU!!!! SILENT!!!
Last time, dunno when is it, i tend to forget a lot nowadays, dunno why? Old d maybe.. *Cough Cough..
I was experimenting on my cooking skill.. haha.. It was just an easy cooking la.. Indomie Goreng with carrot and cabbage plus sunny side egg with black pepper.. taste ok la, but not salty enough.. The sunny side egg is not really nice because i was using William's oil to cook, and because it was not my oil, i din dare to use so much.. So, that is why the eggs end up like tat..
Fried Indomie with Carbage (Carrot&Cabbage) plus Sunny Side Egg with BlackPepper
Can anyone come up with nice name for my dish?? haha..
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