Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Yeah, finally today my fyp is submitted, sealed and signed.. Lol..

Feel very happy and a little bit free, just have to wait for exam and another practical test. Hope everything will go smoothly.. Yeah!!!

Never update my blog so long d.. I will start updating it soon enough.. coz i am quite free now.. haha..

today go submit around 12PM.. actually want to go with Frans by taxi, by suddenly bus come and i cancel it with frans.. go to the bus, met with my hometown friend, tini.. Long time din see you.. ^^
How are you?

after that, straight go to make hardbound for my FYP.. submit the FYP.. and finally have my lunch in APIIT..

going back home, play NEED FOR SPEED UNDERCOVER.. why i feel PC version is much more better than PS2 version.. damn.. but as usual, my laptop cant support the game for long time playing.. shutdown again.. shit..


  1. Pfft...Selamat yow uda kelar -hampir- semuanya!

    Masih suka mati2 tuh laptop? Makanya ganti Asus..hehe

  2. hehe.. xiaoming.. long time not see u oso..
