Monday, June 29, 2009

Wish This July Go very Smoothly

THis is my last fight!!!

One more month to go!!!! JIA YO!!! Wish all my friend oso can do their own tasks very well and hope we can celebrate our FREEDOM DAY very SOONNNNNNNNN.. YEAH!!

I need to keep focus for July, i must decrease my time to play and watching movie.. DAMN IT!! GOD BLESS ME...

really tired of study already, feel like want to work soon, earn a lot of money and move out to western country.. haha..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

This news is already so old, but well i just wanted to say RIP Michael Jackson...

Michael Jackson, or usually called "Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, entertainer, philanthropist andbusinessman. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he made his debut onto the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 in 1969, then began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group. Referred to as the "King of Pop"[2] in subsequent years, his 1982 album Thriller remains the world's best-selling record of all time[3] and four of his other solo studio albums are among the world's best-selling records: Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995)." (wikipedia,2009)

I am not really a fan of him, cuz i din really know his song, i even never really know what were the songs sang by him.. haha.. i only seen one of his zombie video dancing while i was around 6/7 maybe..

But one thing, i dun really like his face.. damn fake.. like a plastic bag.. dunno why all worship him like God.. =="

So, final words, may u RIP there MJ..

Limited McD Burger

Have you all seen and eaten a limited burger from McD???????? huahuahua..

And here i present to all of you the limited burger from McD

Aiyah, dunno why i dun have the mood to do my FYP, always do here a bit then play so often.. damn.. can go watch Transformers 2 Summore.. hahahha.. damn cool la me.

ok enof la.. what time d ?? 3a.m d still spending time doing this...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ring of Halo in CNY 2009

I was boring doing nothing in front of my laptop (which i should be doing my FYP's sytem) and found out an interesting picture.. It was a picture taken a long time ago, it was at the first day of CNY 2009, which is 26 January 2009..

Here is the proof..

It was taken by my lovely phone which has accompanied me for almost 3 years, and cant be separated up till now.. *Devil Laugh

Here is the bigger version of the picture

What do you think? Interesting rite?? A ring of halo just appeared at the sky above the Bukit Jalil Golf Resort and Closed to Savana.. It is a proof that "Chai Sen Ya" / "Good of Fortune" has decended from sky at the first day of CNY 2009.

Those who said not interesting,, I am going to KILL YOU!!!! SILENT!!!

Last time, dunno when is it, i tend to forget a lot nowadays, dunno why? Old d maybe.. *Cough Cough..

I was experimenting on my cooking skill.. haha.. It was just an easy cooking la.. Indomie Goreng with carrot and cabbage plus sunny side egg with black pepper.. taste ok la, but not salty enough.. The sunny side egg is not really nice because i was using William's oil to cook, and because it was not my oil, i din dare to use so much.. So, that is why the eggs end up like tat..

Fried Indomie with Carbage (Carrot&Cabbage) plus Sunny Side Egg with BlackPepper

Can anyone come up with nice name for my dish?? haha..

Friday, June 12, 2009

Louis Vuitton Animation

I was just browsed through the video in youtube, and found out this video.

Nothing much, but it is cute and funny maybe?? so i will just share with all of you here.. ^^

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

3 days going out non stop!! Crystal ANNOUNCEMENT COMING SOON!!

well, this 3 days i spent my day going out to bukit bintang and pasar malam.. haha..

Nella's friend, Mindy, has come to Malaysia to visit her after such a long time.. haha..

Congrats for her cuz she is already graduated and will become Bachelor of Accouting and Finance with Honour... *claps

Tot wanna spent my money on some shorts, but in the end i din even buy one.. LOL
Now they got sales, dunno what season, but almost all stores got their sales card placed at their products... srup srup srup.. tak boleh tahan la..

JUst now went to pasar malam with dyana, nella and mindy.. I ate quite lots of things there : Uncle Bob, Nasi Ayam, dunno what is the name of dumpling wanna be that mindy bought. The pasar malam is sipe sipe hot, better dun bath if you want to go there.. At the end of pasar malam, dyana bought Uncle Bob for Andrew, and Nella bought her Chao Tao Fu again.. Dunno why last time i asked her to try it, she kept insisting on not to eat it.. but now it seems to become her favourite food in pasar malam.. So i think, she was like very crazy la.. People ask to try, she dun wan, now she was like acting on her own to buy that chao tao fu (Fermented Toufu) the moment we reached that pasar malam. This moto is suit for her "Kok em kha kin hiong2 khi bue chau tau fu!!" HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I really want to write about Crystal, her nice body, and everything about her.. I had fallen for her rite now.. Maybe will write about her on the next post after this.. ^^

and for some reasons my friends always saying me that my face is like angry or no mood at all. It is actually not that like that. As you can see, both my eyes was like dropping on the outer side, therefore it looked like i was angry or no mood at all.. I wish i could fix this though..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

PSP GO - Real Design!!

Wow!! This is the first thing that came into my mind when i saw the news.. PSP GO!! design is real based on the leaked version that has been out for months before it was really announced.

This is will be the latest version of PSP, which is called as PSP GO!! some may refer to PSP-4000. Both PSP-3000 and PSP GO! will be available on market. There is no news on Sony will stop the PSP-3000 production once the PSP GO! is released.

Here is some pictures on the design itself :

The design on my opinion is really really SUCKS!! I dun think i will found it to be comfortable enough to use PSP GO! when i play action game..
The analog stick location is really not so comfortable, being designed beside the normal controller pad, i guess gamers have to push their left hand's finger to the right.. haha..

Damn!! i would say this is a fail design. One unique feature that makes it different with previous models is "No UMD"
It already has 16 GB built-in flash memory, with bluetooth function and memory stick micro slot to add another extra storage if you have lots of digital multimedia contents. According to the source, it is 42% lighter than PSP-3000.. That's quite a lot but maybe due to "No UMD" design.

check out this video that has the hands on with the PSP GO!