Monday, April 20, 2009

Curiosity Polling

Well, trying to do something different than my friend's blog. I am putting a polling on curiosity.

How deep is your curiosity about something? does not matter about study, love story, people, gossip, games, music..


Just dun be so curious though.. haha later you will get your own consequences.

Me, myself, are so curious about people problem, but i just like to hear about the story only, and i do not want to be peacemaker or something like tat. I just keep it to myself, and maybe i will sometimes update it from my source.. haha..

Honestly, i am that kind of person. So dun think me wrongly if i am asking something that maybe looks strange on you? or the way i am getting an information from a source? like how i play with the words just to get the information i want.. just like the detective movie.. hohohohoho..

Picture thnks to cren (


  1. akakkakakak...ok"..i got it... =P

  2. what is the thing u got ah girl??

  3. About world mysteries such as Bermuda Triangle, Pyramids or Area 51
