Thursday, April 23, 2009

Botaksy and Packy

A new cool animated movie is recently released in Anime Fair in Japan i guess. It is a story about terrorist, and a rabit.. yah, rabbit and terrorist, just by reading those 2 words is already sound strange to you isn't it?

This is a story about a terrorist attack, but instead of putting human as the actor in this film, the owner tries to do something different. The human is going to replaced by rabbits.. haha

THe main character is this movie is BOTASKY and PACKY.. Total episodes are 12 episodes with 21 min length for each movie.. In USA it will be released under the name Apocalypse Meow.. haha..

Here is the trailer.. and i am eager to wait to see this movie, because it looks cool in my eyes.. ^^


1:26 Botasky
"Wait, Packy! You said do that by only ourselves?"

1:28 Packy
"If we do not do, those two will be killed!"
"I'll send you a sign by radio transmission, shot from here."
"I move closer them by way of side-on."
"No problem. We can do. "

1:51 Botasky
"My gun is quite usefull, right?"

1:59 Packy
"If You stay here for fight together, it cause only increase risk. don't have to return."

1:59 Packy
"If you stay, it brings nothing but risks. u don't have to come back.

Happy 1 Week Holiday ^^

Well, my 1 week holiday has started, and honestly, i felt very happy with my exam results. ^^

Today spent my day with just 1 hour sleep before i went to APIIT to take my exam. Later at home can only sleep for 2 hours, thus make it 3 hours of sleep for today.. SO SAD T-T

Really must not go eat in mamak in BBJ, damn expensive wei... RM7.50 just for the nasi campur... WTH, total with TEOICE become RM 8.80.. nice number ^^

Just come back from Bukit Bintang, because i need to buy something for my uncle, my brother, and for my friend. haha..

But could found nothing for my friend. so sorry. will try to find one for you in the airport.. ^^

Started my journey by walking to BTS to withdrawn money first. NO MONEY NO TALK.. ^^

Continue to Lowyat and have my dinner at Old Town Coffee Shop "ALONE".. SO SAD,, actually my friend got ask me to go to YAKI YAKI to eat buffet. but i scared i dun have enough time to go and look for my things that i need to buy.

This what i ordered, "Mee Jawa" - not really nice though today. Dunno why? Maybe because i dun have the mood the eat (i am still rather full ok??). Din manage to finish eat.. waste my money.. should order their "Kaya Butter Toast" ^^

And this is why i felt lucky that i din go to Yaki Yaki, if i went there, sure felt like wasting money.. One person Rm 40++ for the buffet.. crazy...

I ordered "Orange Smoothies" to drink. The taste itself not really good though, a bit sour when i drank too much. Din manage to finish the drink oso >.<"
Total for my dinner RM 14.40 .. Damn such a waste.. >.<"
Continue my journey to jalan bukit bintang, to buy a key chain where you can write any names u like as the key chain. Too bad it only open at night, that is why la i have to go there at night oso.. damn..

It's quite cheap though, Only RM 8 for the key chain.. You can either choose to make it as key chain or handphone straps. Looks nice, as you can choose to what to put at the end of the name. I chose a music note and a blue bell for my brother as he asked me to choose myself. ^^

Let's hope she likes the gift.. ^^ am i right bro?? haha

Then after that, i went back again to Lowyat. I straight went to Viewnet to buy Western Digital 640GB for my uncle. Cost me around RM 259. Last time my fren bought only for RM250.. what a ripped off.. >.< Now they have WD Express service.. damn cool.. door to door spare part replacement service.. means u dun have to bring it to somewhere else, just call the Western Digital, and they will come to fix it for u... Mine dun have that kind of service.. so bad..
Why it has such a big gap between my hard disk and my uncle's harddisk.. T-T

This is what we called technology la.. haha.. How ah?? Still got a big LOBANG wor???


After that, feel hen wu liao, then i go around the shop.. then come accross the wireless mouse section.. Take me 10 minutes just to buy 1 wireless mouse.. haha..

i have been wanting to have one of this mouse at home.. With this now i can lazying watching movie on my bed.. haha.. no need to walk to the table just to change to next chapter.. HAHAHAHAHA..

I bought LEXMA Wireless Mouse, cost me RM 59,, dunno cheap or not, but i guess OK Lar!!!

I chose this because it has smaller receiver and has the same price with the bigger receiver.. So?? WHY NOT TAKE THE SMALL ONE?? This is what u called really portable and wireless.. huahuahuahuahuhauhauhuahuahuahuahua.. *LAugh For WhAt LaR..... hohohoh

Use it now, but damn,, the speed was damn to fast for me,, Havent get used to it yet.. damn!!! Cool Mouse! Speed Geng!!! Wireless oso Geng!! HEAVY so geng!!! haha

then after that, go pay all of the things, and felt a bit dizzy with my head.. damn, I only sleep for 3 hours,, T-T.. lucky din PINGSAN there.. Come back home safely.. haha..

So, back to the story, i was so dizzy, then went to Big Apple to have a sit there.. After a moment, i saw a LAMBORGHINI MuRchIeaLago or Gallardo ( I am not sure).. haha.. really rare to see this car park at Lowyat.. USually you can Only See FERRARI >>> SIen Liao LA!!
haha.. Next to the car is Subaru >>> SIEN OSO!!

Went to take a peek on Danny and friends, but could not saw them because they was sitting inside the restaurant ( I GUESS), that is why could not saw them at all..

Then after that, dunno wan to do what d.. sipe sien.. then go Sungei Wang Kai Kai.. buy nothing there.. just go there to have a walk.. haha..

then on the way back to Hang Tuah, got lot of people trying to scam innocent people, including me.. YAh,, But i already know the BASI trick,, i also dun really care la.. Ask Me to Open A Gift Card, then suddenly said WAH.. YOU HAVE WIN RM2000 wor... Inside my head "What THE Fuck, You Still USED OLD TRICKS AH FEI MUI??" i straightly laugh a bit, dunno they saw it or not.. haha..

then i said :

Me: "Nvm lar, u take the money lar,, i dun need it, i am rushing now!!"
Fei Mui : "Wah Mr, u sure dun want take ur prize money ar?? Rm2000 wor??"
Me: " Ya, i dun need it lar.. better give to u lor, so dont need to scam here lor" (below the bridge of AMODA and BTS)
Fei Mui: "Wah, Sure dun want take ah? So stupid lar!!"

Here i think like, WTF, u trying to scam people, but u got no manner oso?? damn u la fei mui..

1 THING oso, want to scam people use 2009 gift card lar.. Why u still used 2008 gift card?? The moment i saw that card, sure scam d.. STUPID LAR U!! DAMN FATTY GIRL!! BODY BIG, BUT DUN HAVE ANY BRAIN!!"

After that, went back to home., and writing this blog till now.. haha.

Ups forget to mention about a chocolate that i bought at the Cold Storage in BTS.. Its "Lindt" brand.. dunno nice or not.. will try it later tomorrow at my beloved home.. hahahahahaha..

I wont update my blog for the whole week ahead.. So, please keep supporting me by clicking the ads below this post, at the right side of the main blog.. haha

it is very important for you to click that..


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to take care of your face

Well, as what my friend said, I need to put some tips on how to take care of ourselves. Well, this post is about how to take care of your face, both for woman and man..

How Man Can take care of HIS FACE:
  1. Exfoliate: A facial scrub is important to clean and remove dirt, oil, and dead skin. This leaves skin brighter and healthier, not dull and tired. It also helps when shaving, too, softening the hairs and skin making for a smoother, closer shave with fewer nicks and less irritation.
  2. Wash: A good cleanser will help deep clean and remove debris in the pores which lead to blemishes, pimples etc. This will help remove anything the exfolation left behind.
  3. Shave: A sharp quality razor mated to a well gliding shaving cream will result in the best shave.
  4. Rinse: Make sure to wash off all excess shaving cream and pat dry your face.

  5. Moisturize/Condition: Exfoliating, washing, and shaving are all tough on your face, you need to soothe and protect it afterwards. Use a light moisturizer designed for the face to replenish the natural lipid balance.
Some TIPS for MAN!!
  • Warm water will open your pores and make for a better cleaning for the first two steps
  • Rinse with cold water to soothe and close pores after shaving
  • If desired use a gentle cleanser during the rinse to clean all of the shaving product off your skin. A sensitive skin forumla free of dyes and perfumes is recommended after shaving
  • Pay special attention to the forehead and brow area since it tends to get sweatier than other parts of the face
  • Product recommendations: King Of Shaves simply makes the best shaving products. Their gels are very low lather so you can see exactly where you are shaving and they lubricate better than anything else I've used. They also have a line of strictly skin care products called "XCD". These are the best you can get without going to swanky salons and are available at most drug stores. The products include a moisturizer, under eye serum, a self tan moisturizer for gradual natural color, a tinted moisturizer for immediate color and a serum to go over your moisturizer to provide a healthy tone and matte finish. Nivea for Men also make excellent products and I highly recommend their face wash, scrub, Q10 revitalizing lotion and aftershave balm. St Ives makes another excellent face scrub, too. For blemish prone skin Biore and others work well. For the razor, Mach 3 turbo works extremely well.
Now, for WOMAN who LOVES their FACE so MUACCHHH!!

  1. Keep your eyebrow lines neat. People do not like it when women have uni-brows. To fix this problem, take a wash cloth soaked in hot water and press it onto the area where you are about to remove the hair. Then remove the few stray hairs with tweezers. Do this every night before bed for best results.
  2. Take care of any other facial hair. It is creepy when you see a lady with a beard or mustache. For beard hairs, use the same method as eyebrows. For mustache hairs, go to your local drug store and buy some facial bleach.
  3. Get rid of zits and pimples. This makes your face look much better. Go and get a product called "Proactive" and apply two times a day, once in the morning, once at night. For those who prefer an organic method, dab some dandelion sap from inside the stem on each of the zits or pimples. do this two to four times a day.
  4. Make sure your hair is well groomed. You don't want to spend all this time on the rest of your head and forget your hair is a mess. Try brushing your hair at least three times a day. Make sure you wash your hair well in the shower. You should use the shampoo that is best for your hair. For example if you have dry hair, use moisturizing shampoo and/ or conditioner.
  5. Clean the rest of your face. You need to keep the rest of your face up to date with your face. Use face moisturizer if you have dry skin. wash your face with soap or other facial cleansing products. Do this especially if you have oily skin.
And Here is the TIPS for THE WOMAN part!!!
  • You may want to pull of the mustache hairs. Some people can deal with the pain, some can't. Do whatever works best.
  • For best results, you should only wash your hair every other day. If you excessively wash your hair, you will wash out all of the natural oils that your hair needs to look good.
  • Do not forget any part of this. If you do it will stick out like a sore thumb.
  • Washing your face daily will also help stop new zits or pimples from starting.

BOTH TUTORIALS WONT WORK LIKE MAGIC!!! It takes time as well. haha.. so dun expect u will see the result the next morning u wake up.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Star Craft 2

Hi everyone, surely u know Star Craft 2, one of the most anticipated game by everyone in this world. haha..

Check out this new video report about how the battle looks like, u can see the graphic is so cool. You can see the wind blowing in the desert.

This two video mainly talk on how to use this unit from Terran and Zerg.

Cant wait to get my hand on it as well.. haha.

but maybe i have to wait until i can buy a new rig to support all the graphics in this game. ^^

Here is the part 1 of StarCraft 2 Battle report

and Here is the second part

Monday, April 20, 2009

Curiosity Polling

Well, trying to do something different than my friend's blog. I am putting a polling on curiosity.

How deep is your curiosity about something? does not matter about study, love story, people, gossip, games, music..


Just dun be so curious though.. haha later you will get your own consequences.

Me, myself, are so curious about people problem, but i just like to hear about the story only, and i do not want to be peacemaker or something like tat. I just keep it to myself, and maybe i will sometimes update it from my source.. haha..

Honestly, i am that kind of person. So dun think me wrongly if i am asking something that maybe looks strange on you? or the way i am getting an information from a source? like how i play with the words just to get the information i want.. just like the detective movie.. hohohohoho..

Picture thnks to cren (

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Exam Days!!

Well, i am going to have my exam for the next few days.. Monday, tuesday and thursday..
Damn, too many things that i have to read, should have started writing all those notes from earlier days.. haha..

See the notes? damn, i have written the notes so small, that it even not enough to write all the tips inside...

damn,, summore, there are still few pages that i havent printed out yet. Total will reach around 4 pages.. haha.. Have fun reading!!!

wish me luck!! must get A for all subjects!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

No Spam in Chat Box

Please refer back to Nella's post on how to detect spammer in the chat box. So words for all you think to spam, i can know who are the one spamming the chat room and i will take precaution by banning you.

Thank you for cooperating.

Japan Curiosities

What comes to your mind when you think of Japan?
Mt Fuji? Pretty babes? Gothic's fashion?
SEX?? haha

The last 3 alphabets seems to be very interesting.. To those who had never seen something like this should seen it.. haha..

although not recommended for girls, but all girls are still welcome to see.. ahaha

Please click here

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Internet Explorer 8

Just want to share a bit.

Internet explorer 8 is already out. Frankly i don't know when it was released.. I just used yesterday, and it almost like a combination of all browser in one.. haha..

Here is some features or ideas taken from other browsers:
1. Viewing multiple tabs in quick tab (CTRL+Q) which is similar to Safari and Opera
2. You can rearrange your tab in the way you like it (Guess it will be Safari 4, and Mozilla firefox 3)
3. You can use inprivate feature which is similar to private browsing in Safari (where it wont save all your cookies and temporary Internet files)

well, thats all i know for now.. haaha

other features are there, but i din get to know about it, at least for now..

you can get it for free in HERE

have fun trying it

No MOod!!

*/edited.. haha

Finished my use case diagram and activity diagram and need to show it Mr. Hoorang tomorrow morning. Hope can get more information from him later!! Wish me luck guys!!

Lucky that i have still the mood to do my FYP.. My no 1 wish is to get graduate with distinction grades and get a good job with good payroll for me.. Amen...

Last Word, Just hope ur happy with him, really dun have other word to say anymore.. i dunno why you could fall for him, but well, that is ur feeling, hope it din hurt you again.

well, if there is one place that i could go to heal this pain, maybe i will choose Japan. All the technologies there are so advanced and lots of pretty girls as well.. hehe..

1 thing about Japan, they have all sorts of vending machine there.. haha.. so funny just to see it.. wondering how they decide to buy a drink with all the vending machines available in front of them.. ^^

check out this video

They also have the smartest luggage conveyor belts in their airport.. so cool man. check this video as well

i guess that's all for today.. thank you for reading

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


There is one psp game that i really cant wait to play.. haha..

It will be released on April 28, 2009.

well, too bad it was made for PSP, therefore the graphic may reduce a lot, but if it was made for PS2, or PC, sure the graphic will be very fantastic..

It is a similar game to the original Dynasty Warriors but with extra feature such as awakening. whereby your character can transform into a super form and the character will become super awesome.

Watch video below for all the awakening version of the characters in these new Dynasty Warriors game.

video thnks to sjfaith for making it available to all of you..

get the special figurine when you pre-order the game from GAME